New Halloween Template for 2012:
Free Halloween Flyer
A single page tomb stone inspired design that could be used for invites or a newsletter.
Size: 8.5" x 11" - standard letter paper
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
One page design
Free Halloween Newsletter Template
Eye catching orange and black Microsoft Word free newsletter template

Halloween is an early start to the holiday season and a great time of year to send out a newsletter.
You can share your halloween costume, pet costumes, pumpkin carvings or outdoor decorating with all your friends, co-workers, or clients.
DOWNLOAD this free newsletter template for Microsoft Word
Size: 8.5" x 11" - standard letter paper
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Front & back design included for double-sided printing. Make sure you are using "Print Layout View" in order for the template to correctly display in Word.
HTML e-newsletter Template
Prefer to send an e-mail to your friends and family, here is a html version of the halloween newsletter.
DOWNLOAD this free html e-newsletter!
File Type: .ZIP File - containing HTML and JPG image files
Left 2-column email, you will need an html editor in order to change the text and customize to your liking. You can also use an e-newsletter service like Mail Chimp and insert the template in their online designer. Depending on what email service you are using, it may not be possible to send an HTML coded email. Try searching the web for a how-to if you need help.
Free Happy Halloween Template
Bats are the theme to this cool orange and green design.

The Happy Halloween logo is wordart which you can change and all the text is customizable and fully editable.
Download the word newsletter template
Size: 8.5" x 11" - standard letter paper
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
One page design for advertisement, flyer or newsletter fully customizable in Microsoft Word.
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