Free Newsletter Templates for Teachers
Free newsletter templates for teachers grades first through twelfth in Microsoft Word document format.

Teachers in grades first through twelve can download a free template to use for a newsletter, lesson plan, hand out or flyer. Choose your grade and each design has a colorful header that says the number of the grade and four text box areas where you can input your personalized message. You can add your name in the title at the top. Use the sections for any purpose, but I have them shown as a vocabulary list, calendar and two article sections. Handing out a colorful document like this to your class is more fun then a boring black and white plain text sheet. Create weekly lesson plans to hand out to the kids that show upcoming projects and assignments. The more personal you can make the articles, the more you can connect with your students. Also, kids will like to have a heads up on what they are studying for the week, month or year. This can be used for a take home letter to parents.
These are for use in Microsoft Word and they are in document format. They are all made as a single page to fit standard letter size paper. They will work in any version of Word 2000 and above. Download individual from links below:
First Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Second Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Third Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Fourth Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Fifth Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Sixth Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Seventh Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Eighth Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Ninth Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Tenth Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Eleventh Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc
Twelfth Grade Newsletter Template
File Type: Microsoft Word .doc